Saturday, August 31, 2019
4-MAT Book Review Essay
Abstract Wheelan (2013) identifies the four stages of team development and provides detailed explanation of how a group transforms itself from a stage one group of uncertainty into a successful, highly productive stage four team. This requires work and a thorough understanding of the many internal/external influences that can occur during each stage. A team member or leader who is well versed in these stages and who can evolve with each stage will be better equipped to deal with possible obstacles that can hinder group progress and implement practices to help the group successfully work through a particular stage. The goal is for the group to become a team that will value the importance of everyone’s contribution within the group and how it relates to the overall ability of the group to successfully accomplish the mission. As this is achieved, the work will no longer feel like a chore as team members encourage, inspire, and have fun completing tasks and achieving the desired outcome (W heelan, 2013). In the first stage of group development, termed dependency and inclusion, team members are dependent upon the designated leader to provide a sense of belonging and to create an environment where members feel safe enough to suggest new ideas (Wheelan, 2013). The overall goal of stage one group development is the ability to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members as some may experience certain behavioral characteristics associated with feelings of insecurity and a need to feel included in the group. Stage one members may feel apprehensive about sharing their ideas until they feel that the environment is safe to share and that their input is valued (Wheelan, 2013). As members work through the group one stage, they will become more confident in their role and begin to rely less on the team leader for input. In addition, group members will begin to openly share their ideas, which in turn may create conflict within the group as different views and values will begin to be challenged among group members. Although uncomfortable, this potentially volatile but necessary part of stage two group development will lead to an increased trust among group members. Wheelan (2013) explains, â€Å"Only through conflict resolution and the development of a unified view of the group’s purpose and processes can true collaboration be achieved†(p. 28). During stage two group development, the team leader and team members’ ability to manage conflict resolution will determine whether the group succeeds or fails. During stage three, members of the group roll up their sleeves and begin to focus on the task at hand. Egos are checked at the door as team members begin to sense a clearer picture of individual and team goals and communication becomes more task-oriented (Wheelan, 2013). As stage three groups develop, productivity is increased and relationships are strengthened as the group can now move to stage four successfully if they continue to manage and adjust team roles and responsibilities, resolve conflict, and receive constructive criticism with an open mind. Concrete Response As a youth leader, I was tasked with forming a ministry team to work with school-aged children ranging in ages from 8 to 19 years of age. As a District Fire Chief for a large fire department, I assumed that this task would be similar to forming a team that responds to emergency calls; however, there were several items that I would overlook initially that would prove to be painful learning opportunities as I progressed through my ministry team building experience. First, and probably most important, was the fact that I assumed that everyone serving with me had a clear picture of what our goal was as youth leaders; to share the gospel of Christ through grace-filled passion demonstrated by love, compassion, understanding and encouragement. I still remember our first meeting as I handed out information regarding the bible study material we would be using. As I explained the syllabus and the details of the study itself, Joey, one of the volunteers, asked, â€Å"What is it that we are trying to accomplish through this study?†I explained that the objectives were listed in the packet and that everyone should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the material provided. As Wheelan (2013) explains, it is the team leader’s responsibility during stage one to establish defined goals and to identify specific team member roles and how they will contribute to the overall plan. This error on my part led to confusion, frustration, and unfortunately the departure of some of the youth volunteers, as they did not feel that the value of their input was considered nor was a clear picture of what our purpose was explained. Critique Wheelan (2013) provides many good examples of what to do in certain circumstances that deal with safety and inclusion, conflict resolution, identifying roles and responsibilities, and fostering esprit de corps during group development. In addition, she identifies the positive traits that should be displayed by both team members and team leaders alike such as involving other members in the leadership of the group and actively participating in achieving objectives. While the strength of this book is displayed in the many examples provided by the author of what to do if a certain situation arises, this author was curious as to what a team leader or member would do if a team member must be dismissed for poor performance? While this is something that this author would not want to ever experience, I am curious as to whether or not Wheelan has ever experienced this in her studies and how might a leader or team member deal with this issue? Another consideration that this author believes infl uences group dynamics is socioeconomic and cultural diversity. While the above-mentioned positive character traits for leaders and team members are just a few of the many provided in this text, Creating Effective Teams does not address the internal and external influences that are ever-present in groups through socioeconomic and cultural diversity. This author believes that these two influences alone should be strongly considered, as group cohesiveness will depend largely upon a thorough understanding of how an individual’s worldview influences his or her perception of other group members and their individual role within the group. Action Clear concise communicated goals that explain the purpose, the mission, and how each member will contribute to the overall plan is the first action that this author wishes to accomplish. Establishing a safe inclusive environment at the outset of group development is vital to member participation as this author plans to meet with both the youth ministry and worship ministry team in the upcoming week to encourage team member input and to identify roles, responsibilities, and a unified mission statement. Training team members in both my ministry and the fire department I work for in how to effectively manage group conflict is an additional action plan that this author hopes to achieve. Understanding that conflict is not necessarily a bad thing and that good can come from disagreements is important for everyone to consider when building our team. This author feels that this action will open up a new line of communication for individuals within my team to voice their concerns and contribute successfully to the group with sincere honesty. The third action that this author would like to achieve is to become a leader who evolves with the group as it develops through each stage. The beginning stages of the group’s development will require me to be more assertive; however, the ability to evolve as a leader to a more consultant role is where this author plans to take action. According to Wheelan (2013) as I allow members to share in the leadership function of the group, the likelihood that the group will succeed is increased. Reference Wheelan, S. A. (2013) Creating effective teams: A guide for members and leaders. Thousand Oaks: CA. Sage Publications, Inc.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Iliad Book 1 Achilles Vs. Agamemnon Essay
In Homer’s, The Iliad, Book 1, â€Å"The Rage of Achilles,†one of the main concepts presented is the idea that the gods desire honor and glory. It is very evident that both Achilles and Agamemnon are in competition for more power and dominance. This idea is demonstrated primarily through the two prize women, Briseis and Chryseis, daughter of Chrsyses. While the Trojan war was going on, both Achilles and Agamemnon had a fight amongst themselves, rather than focusing on the war going on around them. Achilles claimed Briseis (the more desired of the two girls) and Agamemnon claimed Chrysies. Agamemnon really wanted Briseis because he believed he deserved her for being the chief of the Achaean forces, but by claiming Chrysies, Agamemnon was able to plot against Achilles. Chryses did not want his daughter to be in the hands of Agamemnon, so he begged and pleaded to Apollo to help in getting back his daughter. Apollo sent a plague on the Greek people, and Agamemnon then announced to Achilles that he would only give back Chryseis if he could have Briseis. This made Achilles very angry because he too believed that he deserved Briseis. Achilles was more concerned about keeping Briseis in order to look better, than making peace of the situation and trading Briseis for Chryseis. This showed how important it was to have honor and to appear in control. They put their desires for person honor and glory above the fact that there was a serious war going on around them by putting more focus on who would win the better of the two girls, overall reflecting the theme of dominance and control.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Phi/105 Letter
Letter to a 20 or 21 Century Philosopher PHI/105 September 23, 2012 Letter to a 20 or 21 Century Philosopher I am writing this letter to John Dewey regarding his theory of pragmatism. I am choosing this theory because it interests me in the scientific aspect of your thinking. I know that you chose to challenge logicians to answer the question of truth. This is a hard thing to sort out and make real and true. Going up against some of the times most logical thinkers and challenging them to come up with true answers was one of your strong points.I know that you were not totally opposed to modern logic as you have stated â€Å"logic based upon the idea that qualitative objects are existential in the fullest sense. To retain logical principles based on this conception along with the acceptance of theories of existence and knowledge based on an opposite conception is not, to say the least, conductive to clearness – a consideration that has a good deal to do with existing dualism be tween traditional and the newer relational logics. †(Qualitative Thought 1930) This statement to me means that you had maybe exhausted the traditional way of thinking that you had imagined.I believe that you had to reach for more answers and different ways to get those answers. Truth is a hard thing to come by and it is not easily obtained. I know that you were a philosopher of science and that you used this to try and understand the world. From you research you did not stretch the truth but rather examined all of the parts that could be explained by science. In figuring these things out you were able to determine if the phenomena that you were examining at the time were actually true or not.I find this interesting because there are many things in this world that are hard to explain. I am sure that there were many questions left unanswered for you because the research technology was just not there for you at the time you were doing your research on different phenomenaâ€⠄¢s. The scientific method that you chose to follow would be a base for all of the scientists that followed your research and I find it amazing that you are still known to this day. I can see now by researching your history why you did not believe in religion. I would have to say this is ecause it is something that could not be proven. The phenomena that a being could exists and create everything is just too impossible to conceive. It is impossible to determine by science even to this day if someone such as this did or could ever exist. There is no scientific method that can prove the truth of this and this is why you did not believe it was possible. I would have to also agree with this point and if there were a way to research it scientifically and prove that such a being or person did exist I would believe that to be the truth.With no truth about certain things it is hard to put any kind of faith in them. The more I think about these things the more I believe the scientific method the best way for me to go about life and think about things. I believe that the other two schools are just as good as yours. I just lean a little more towards science then math or metaphysics. These other two schools are necessary as well for the understanding of almost all things that are explainable. There is no one school that is better than the others and I would have to relate to all three of them.As for the things that are just phenomena I would have to agree with you in analyzing the facts and truths that we are able to prove and believe in rather than just making things up and believing in false truths. John Dewey you are truly someone to look up to and I have found in your readings some truth to this life that we lead. Many things go unanswered but in time many things that were unanswerable will get figured out and the truth shall be revealed. References READING: Ch. 9 of Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas. READING: Ch. 8 of Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas. http://w ww. infed. org/thinkers/et-dewey. htm
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Mateship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mateship - Essay Example He spoke with his wife and they had determined that if they portioned there money properly they would be able to purchase a home, with a small amount of livestock and farmland. If they were able to reach their quotas they would be able to continue to support themselves and their infant daughter Abby. As Alex continued to look outside his window he became increasingly worried. While the first few years after moving to their new home had gone as they had hoped, in recent years they had experienced tremendous hardship. A spread of disease had overtaken much of their cattle, causing them to use the profits they had saved throughout the earlier years to buy new livestock. While the farmland had been the backbone of their existence, the recent drought had placed them once again on hard times. Added to this difficulty the couple’s infant daughter Abby was now a five year child with increasing demands; should be need to be sent to school in the upcoming year and the family worried abo ut having the money to support her education. Alex worried that if things did not soon improve he would have to sell the farm and admit catastrophic failure. While Alex and his family had enjoyed their lives and had become accustomed to the relative solitude, it did mean that they had to rely only on themselves in these challenging situations. Alex considered his solitude. He thought that of all the friends and family he had known throughout his life and recognized that there was nobody that could help him. He began to think about his surroundings. There was not another neighbor for nearly twenty-miles in any direction, except the lone estate on Douglas Hill. He had never ventured to this estate. It was clearly the home of a rich man, as it had fantastic architecture and was surrounded by a large and expensive fence. Alex recognized that there was farmland in the back and that the owner must have a reservoir of water he saved for droughts. Still, Alex had always been intimidated by entering the area of the home as he recognized the individual probably wanted nothing to do with a poor farmer like himself. Alex thought to himself – desperate times call for desperate measures – and set out to the estate. When Alex reached the estate he pressed the buzzer outside the gate. A light came on and he spoke into it identifying himself. He heard nothing on the other end and began walking away; as he was walking away the gates began to open. Alex turned around and walked towards the estate. When he reached the door Alex remained intimidated as he knocked on the door. He waited for a moment, expecting to be sent away or disregarded. Suddenly the door opened. ‘Howdy mate!’ a smiling middle-aged man in a hat said. Alex was taken aback. He had expected an old and serious gentleman, but had found an upbeat and casual person. Alex explained to the individual that he lived in the house a mile away. Before he could explain why he came, the man invited h im in. He introduced himself, saying his name was Steve. Alex was still slightly intimidate, but had become increasingly relaxed by Steve’s friendly demeanor. The two men walked into the home and onto the back porch. Steve retrieved some beers and they sat and talked about the area. Steve told him he had move there twenty-years ago and had started out from humble beginnings and built his farm and wealth up from nearly nothing. The conversation shifted to the drought and Alex told him about the dire straights his family had fallen into as a direct result. Understanding
Prepare a strategic management report of approximately 3500 words, Essay
Prepare a strategic management report of approximately 3500 words, which evaluates the structure of an organisation and industry in Turkey.Assume that the audie - Essay Example To improve the overall business environment and effectiveness of the organisation, the response patterns and management approaches are identified. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey also known as TÃ ¼rkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez BankasÄ ± has its head office located in Ankara, Turkey and was established as a joint-stock company with the majority of shares belonging to the Treasury. The bank has 4770 employees and is the fundamental centralised bank of Turkey controlled by the government (TCMB history, 2005). The first major bank in Turkey was the Ottoman Bank that was jointly set up with French and British capital in 1856. The Ottoman bank became a state bank and achieved the monopoly of issuing bank notes. Although the Turkish Republic extended the period of privilege of the Ottoman Bank until 1935, a new plan to set up the central bank was under way by 1926. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey was established by law 1715 which was enacted on June 11, 1930. The central bank had the privilege of issuing bank notes and this remained its monopoly for 30 years (TCMB, retrieved 2005). The privilege was further extended in 1955 and was extended indefinitely in 1994. The main aim of the bank was to support the economic development of the country so the bank was entrusted to the following duties and responsibilities. Several changes were made to the central bank law with the introduction of economic development plans for Turkey during the 1960s. The law 1211 restructured the responsibilities of the central bank and implemented the financial policies within the framework of developmental objectives of the country (TCMB, 2005). The organisation chart shows that the general assembly is subdivided into an auditing committee, the governor and the board. There are four vice governors who oversee the different departments of the banking divisions. Within each of these divisions there are management departments and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Group portfolio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Group portfolio - Research Paper Example However, the organization sticks to its beliefs that successful companies move with the time while still devoting to developing a healthy and dynamic enterprise. One of the core cultural values that Haier group has is the rights and wrongs sense whereby the product users are considered always to be right while the company need to regularly improve itself (Sprague, 2002). The culture acts as the driving force, hence forming value for the customers; the employees work their best to meet the customer’s needs in addition to generating a wide variety of choices that they can choose from. The workforce has a mind-set, whereby, they feel the need to persistently advance themselves, which they perceive to be the only way they can continually refuse, dare and outdo themselves in order to realize their innovative character through change. The organization, in addition, has an adaptive culture that has led to its growth, whereby it maintains its pace with the social growth while maintaining an awareness of any changes occuring in the world. Its innovative character enables the firm to uphold a competitive benefit in the ever-changing market. Tha t is to say, the more radical the world changes the quicker the speed of customer’s variation, hence, the more lasting the inheritance turns out to be (Lin, 2005). In addition, the organization has employed the concept of two spirits, innovation and entrepreneurship, which are considered to be the genes for the company’s consistent culture. The genes ensure that all members of the workforce maintain their value in addition to guiding them in their individual development. It is also mandated for every employee to have the entrepreneurship and innovation spirits. Entrepreneurship is considered to be the spirit of pioneering work in which the company persuades all employees to have it (Yi, Jinsheng and Xian, 2002). They are encouraged to transform from being
Monday, August 26, 2019
1.Indirect Investing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
1.Indirect Investing - Research Paper Example Such investment points towards the fact that the investors are investing in a product whose performance to a certain extent is linked with the performance of the property. The example of indirect investing is purchasing units in the property funds, purchasing shares in any of the property company that is publicly quoted and contributing to any pension plant that has a property in its portfolio (Indirect Property Investments). Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS): These are considered to be the public property companies that are primarily listed on Stock Exchange. The investors buy shares in these companies that may be traded through the investor’s stock broker. The examples of such public companies are Great Portland Estate, Land Securities and Derwent London plc. The Land Securities is one of UK’s largest property companies that invest in almost all the classes and types of properties present across the country. However on the other hand Derwent London plc only invests in property present in Central London and that too mostly in offices. Unit Trusts: There are several other means of indirectly investing in property. These means may take several other forms that are suited for a number of investors. Some examples of unit trusts are mentioned below: The authorized and unauthorized investment funds can be further divided into open and close ended funds. The open ended funds are the ones which do not have a definite life span, which means that they may go on forever and their units can be traded in the open market. The example of Open ended funds is Standard Life Property Income Unit Trust. The close ended funds may have a definite life span, for instance 10 years. After this duration the property is sold and the unit holders are paid out. The example of Close Ended Funds is Schroders WELput Unit Trust. The investment in office property present in London will come to an end in the year 2023, after selling the whole
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Ethical Standards of Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Ethical Standards of Nike - Essay Example Nike has changed its course of action in recent years from one of sheer denial and arguments to one of policy and change. The fact that the company responded only to global media pressure and the fact that standards only changed in Indonesia because of workers strikes and consumer pressure leave something to be desired about the ethical standards of Nike. However, it is important to recognize that Nike did change, though the implementation of the 1997 policies, almost ten years later, is not fully in effect. Â Nike should be held ethically responsible for the working conditions in foreign factories of subcontractors. In a business decision, regardless of the international boundaries, it is important to follow a certain level of ethical standards. While it is impossible to judge if Nike absolutely knew of the sub-standard conditions, it is logical to assume that Nike could not have ignored the possibility, regardless of the information from Mr. Young, who said that the conditions were adequate in the factories. Yet, in countries where minimum age and working condition laws are not contusive to an appropriate and healthy lifestyle, Nike, by simple association, should maintain a level of dignity for their products. However, the legalities of the situation become more intricate for Nike, being an American based business, subcontracts to (mainly) Asian factories.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The impact of iPads on children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The impact of iPads on children - Research Paper Example A number of studies have been conducted to show the positive benefits of iPads and tablet PC’s on children. In one such study conducted by Dundar & Akcayir (2012) that sought to try and compare the electronic reading performance, reading comprehension and reading speed of primary school 5th-class students using printed books and tablet PCs, the researchers selected a randomly selected sample size of 20 students. The study was designed in such a manner that the students were divided into the two groups of a control group and a treatment group. Whereas the students in the control book read ordinary printed books, the students in the treatment group read the same text on electronic tablet PC display. The findings of the study showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in either reading speed or reading comprehension. However the study found that students’ opinions pertaining to the use of tablet PCs was significantly positive. The ergonomics, display quality and availability of tablet PCs was noted to have a positive effect on students who could read the text on the tablets like a book (Dundar & Akcayir, 2012). Tablet PCs can be used in both the vertical and horizontal positions and the size of the text can be easily adjusted to allow for students to read the books more easily and hence make the learning process easier. The results of this study were found to be similar to that which was conducted by Clarke & Svanaes (2012) that analyzed the feasibility of giving pupils tablets. In this study, researchers established that the iPad greatly contributed to the motivation of pupils to become more engaged with school work. The study also showed that tablets were especially beneficial to children that happened to have special educational needs. The technology promotes inclusion and improves com munication and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Safety Management Plan Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Safety Management Plan Implementation - Essay Example However it needs to be accepted in general. The service providers include authentic training organizations which are uncovered of safety risks throughout the stipulation of their services, aircraft providers, organizations liable for designing and manufacturing the aircrafts, approved maintenance organizations, and air traffic service providers. Apart from the aforementioned authorities certified aerodromes are also included (Fhwa, n.d.). Therefore the service providers should execute and implement a Safety Management System which is acknowledged by their respective state. The functions are as follows:- The main function is to identify the safety hazards related to it. It should ensure that corrective actions necessary to sustain a satisfactory level of safety must be implemented. This is also liable to provides continuous monitoring as well as regular appraisal of the safety level that has been achieved. It should also aim to make constant improvement to the overall level of safety and security. It should also promote an improved safety and security culture all through the organization. Realizing a return on Safety Management System investment through enhanced competence and abridged operational risk. Apart from the requirements of ICAO Safety Management Systems has been also incorporated into IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). Implementation Plan It is an important factor to realize that the mentioned plan must only be used as a general guiding reference only. Therefore it can be customized according to the need. Etihad, the national airlines of United Arab Emirates will be chosen as the company where the Safety Management System action plan will be established. Now in the context of the company, a safety management system will be implemented in its overall infrastructure. This will ensure more safety and securities to the passengers availing Etihad airways (Etihad Airways, n.d.). The company is also focused in providing the best Arabic hospitality to the clients (Etihad Airways, n.d.). Safety Management Implementation plan of Etihad Airways Etihad Airways has developed its own Safety Management System in context with the United Arab Emirates’ Civil Aviation Law, recommendation of ICAO, CAR Part X, GCAA CAR-OPS 1.037, Federal and Emirate statutory requirements for health and safety and also from the suggestions by Abu Dhabi Health and Safety Regulatory Framework (ADEHSRF). Most of the elements required for formulating a Safety management system have been ascertained. Moreover it has been also linked with the supervision and control of the operations of the company. In Etihad Airways the establishment of SMS also took place to counter the existing dictatorial requirement and to establish according to the new requirements of the regulatory board. The safety management service of Etihad airways covers the following aspect:- Safety of the airport Industrial safety The safety of the aircraft and also its operation. The newly establ ished SMS of the company provides the methods to identify the perils and also offers ways to control and reduce it to an acceptable range. This will also help to determine whether the risk control tools are efficient or not. Furthermore the SMS sets the desired goals and performance levels for safety. It also seeks to develop safety culture within the organization, training and promotion system. Now the steps or the building blocks to implement SMS are suggested
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Importance Of The Internet Essay Example for Free
Importance Of The Internet Essay The Internet is very helpful for businesses all over the world. It helps speed up many processes in a cost-effective way. Yet the usefulness of the Internet depends on what types of services and products each business. And how they take advantage of what is available. Many businesses may benefit a great deal more than others may. And there are many different benefits depending upon the types of the business, whether it is a supplier, a distributor, or a retailer. Some of the benefits could be; creating a new client base, product analysis, market analysis, expert advice and help, recruiting new employees, fast information access, wide scale information dissemination, fast communications, cost-effective document transfer, peer communications, and new business opportunities. Finding new clients is not as easy as most may think. This process involves an in depth market analysis, product marketing and consumer base testing. Where if a business where to use the Internet it would be much easier because the Internet has several million people from all over the world looking for businesses to invest or subscribe to. It is very easily recruit new clients or customers if your presence on the Internet is known. If your business was on the Internet you will be able to do product analyses and comparisons and report your findings on the net. You may also be able to find at least one other person who will be familiar with a product that you Thompson, 2 are testing or about to purchase or invest in. You can get first hand reports on each product before you purchase it. The Internet has many surveys for an analysis of the market for a new product or idea. These surveys are easy to reach many people so you are able to determine the satisfaction of the users of each product. This will enable you to be able to satisfy your customers easily because most of these are anonymous you will be able to get accurate information to help you understand what is preferred by your customers. The Internet has many experts on it who make it very easy for you to find them. You may even be able to get free advice and help with problems you might have come across from the same people who are paid very highly for their consulting services to large organizations. There are many web sites that have job listings online for employers. Qualified employees always post new resumes to the site. This may inform the employers of the skills hopeful employees will have to offer. So the employee will not have much trouble looking for prospective employers. Getting information over the Internet is much faster on most occasions than doing it via fax or postal courier services. Countries around the world are available to interact with. You can lessen the possibility of the receiver not getting the information needed. You can place documents on the Internet and make them instantly accessible to millions of users. This provides an effective method to present information to the public. This also will improve the availability Thompson, 3 of the documents to a client base larger than the circulation of many major newspapers. Electronic mail, also known as email has provided to be an effective solution to the problem of telephone tag. This still has the speed of telephone conversations and still provides the semi-permanence of postal mail. This can be sent from just about anywhere where there is an Internet service. This takes a very short period of time and saves a lot of money over postal or courier services, which can also suffer late deliveries, loss or damage. So as you can see the Internet is very valuable to many businesses all around the world. It allows things to be processed faster and for the most part much safer. I think that it would be in the best interest of most businesses to participate actively in the Internet.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
China and Russian Mongol FRQ Essay Example for Free
China and Russian Mongol FRQ Essay The Mongolian rule had a very direct impact and influence in China and Russia in terms of political and economical structure. Although the Mongols were not as evident in the Golden Horde region, they still impacted Russia just as much as they did in the Yuan district in China. In both China and Russia, the Mongols left their mark by placing high taxes on peasants, taking full control over trade through the Silk Road, and increasing international diplomacy through various methods, creating Pax Mongolica. Although Mongolian rule fell long ago, its influence can still be seen today. In Russia and China, the Mongol era brought a change in political power. The Khans, or â€Å"Great Leaders†, ruled both places, although not equally. China was directly ruled by the Mongols, seeing that China hosted them in the Yuan province, while Russia was given a sense of self rule. The Mongols still claimed taxes and sought goods from Russia, but did not actually occupy it as they did in China. The lack of occupancy in Russia eventually led to the downfall of the Mongol rule there seeing that there was no opposing force to govern them, thus putting power back to the Russians, and creating what we know Russia as today. Not only was the political aspect of China and Russia influenced, but the economy was influenced as well. The conquests of Kublai Khan and his successors joined the Eastern world with the Western world by the use of the Silk Road, which served as a trade route. The Silk Road connected trade centers spanning across Asia and Europe reaching from the Golden Horde to the Yuan province. The trade route, while under strict protection of the Mongols, increased Eurasian trade of goods, beliefs, and disease. The Silk Road spread silk, porcelain, and gun powder from China as well as Buddhism, and the plague. The goods that came and went through the trade route were taxed heavily along with the peasants that resided in each region. The high taxes served as income for the Mongols to use towards warfare, necessities, and indulgences. The Silk Road, by bringing in and sending out new ideas and goods, spread international diplomacy. In the case of China, the Silk Road brought in ambassadors from the Middle East amongst other regions, thereby increasing and instilling a sense of Pax Mongolica. In conclusion, the Mongols influence on China and Russia shaped them into what they are today. The Mongols achieved their greatness by taxing the poor in order to support their army, making the Silk Road their own, and accumulating international diplomacy and instilling Pax Mongolica.
Case The Coffee Shop Market Starbucks Marketing Essay
Case The Coffee Shop Market Starbucks Marketing Essay Starbucks Corporation is an international coffeehouse chain, founded in 1971 in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks serves a variety of beverages including brewed coffee, tea, hot chocolate, espresso and a selection of bottled drinks. Starbucks also sells whole bean coffee and a variety of ready-to-eat snacks. The first Starbucks location to open outside of North America was in Tokyo in 1996; and from then on Starbucks became an international brand, expanding both nationally and globally. This report will attempt to examine the situation of Starbucks in Japan. It will bring out the marketing strategy to be adopted for a rise in profitability of Starbucks Japan in the next two years. In addition, it will attempt to explain the use of marketing mix to aid the chosen strategy. SWOT ANALYSIS: 1.1 STRENGTHS: 1.1.1 Strong brand image: Starbucks brand name, quality customer service and store ambience are its key strengths. It has maintained its international operations to ensure consumer recognition. Starbucks is renowned for its high quality products and has maintained a consistently positive consumer experience that has helped Starbucks build a strong brand image. Starbucks spends less than 1% of revenue on advertising and promotion each year which indicates they rely on an established company image (P. Ghauri, International marketing case study: Starbucks-Going Global Fast). Starbucks key competitor in Japan-Doutor coffee, had taken advantage of Starbucks brand image and copied its logo, while replicating the experience rendered to customers in its retail outlets. (Ono, 2003). This shows that the Starbucks image is a strength worth mimicking. With a well-established brand image in America, it was sure to expect recognition in the Japanese market, because the consumers there have a fondness for everything western . ( 1.1.2 Commitment to community: Starbucks contributes a considerable amount of its resources to corporate social responsibility programs (Kotabe Helsen, 2004). According to Butler (2006)-CSR programs influence 70% of all consumer purchasing decisions, with many investors and employees also being swayed in their choice of companies. As a result, Starbucks involvement in the CSR programs helps its competitiveness in the business world. 1.1.3 Widespread Presence in International Markets: Starbucks has ventured into foreign markets with astonishing pace opening its outlets in 40 countries with 2068 stores worldwide. This widespread expansion has allowed its presence to be felt across the globe. 1.1.4 Retail outlets present at convenient and accessible locations: Starbucks has opened a number of coffee shops at convenient locations like shopping malls, libraries, university campuses, office buildings etc. They are typically located in high traffic, high visibility locations.(Starbucks annual report, 2008) 1.1.5 Presence of a variety of food items Beverages in addition to Coffee: Starbucks stores offer a choice of regular and decaffeinated coffee beverages, a broad selection of Italian-style espresso beverages, cold blended beverages, iced shaken refreshment beverages and a selection of premium teas. Starbucks stores also offer a variety of fresh food items, including healthier choice selections focussing on high-quality ingredients, nutritional value and great flavour. 1.1.6 Well Developed Corporate Strategy and Good Marketing skills. Weaknesses: 1.2.1 Lack of internal focus: Starbucks focuses too much on over-expansion, at times tending to ignore the problems arising withinconsistent employer dissatisfaction. The number of competitors: There are an ever increasing number of competitors that either mimic the Starbucks concept or try to get on par with its growth by providing the same line of products at a lesser price. Examples: Dotour Coffee, Tullys Japan, Mac Donalds. Self- cannibalisation: The strategy of over expansion has resulted in stores opened very close to each other, thus eating into the others sales. Product Pricing: Starbucks perceives itself as a premium gourmet coffee brand and bases its price on the quality of its beverages and in-store customer experience. Unfortunately, many competitors while offering a similar type of environment and lesser priced beverages are eating into Starbucks market share. 1.3 Opportunities: Flexible Tastes: Japanese consumers are influenced by western brands and have a fondness for them. They are open to new products and tastes and hence Japan is a viable market to test new products. New concepts can be concocted and brought out in the market at a faster pace, when compared to US or Europe. Thus those products that turn out to be popular and gain acceptance in the Japanese market can be introduced in the US market with positive expectations. For example, the Green Tea Frappuccino which was first introduced in Japan turned out to be a sensation and was thus launched in the United States too. ( Thus, the flexible tastes of Japanese consumers give Starbucks an opportunity to develop new products and gain profits. Instant products: Starbucks recently launched its first premium soluble coffee stick product in Japan. About 60% of the total coffee sold in Japan is soluble. Hence Starbucks can capitalise on this aspect of Japans coffee market to enhance its sales through a variety of soluble ready to make coffee products. ( Diversifying its beverages: Starbucks is looking to sell regional wine and beer at its outlets in Seattle. It could introduce this concept in some of the Japanese stores as consuming western alcoholic brands is a trend among the Japanese clientele. ( . Growth opportunities: Though the overall market in Japan is nearing saturation, and Starbucks overexpansion in big cities has given it a lesser change at a steep growth, it could still expand to the less-saturated regions allowing it to exceed its growth potential. 1.4 Threats: 1.4.1 Cannibalisation: Starbucks extravagant growth and over expansion involves a risk of customer fatigue. Starbucks has introduced an array of new products and an increased product innovation lowers the sale of current products. Also with many stores opened close to one other, there is a risk of some stores facing loss. Thus, cannibalisation is a major threat as the coffee chain is reaching saturation in most of the big cities. 1.4.2 Dependency on raw materials The fluctuations in coffee and dairy prices are a potential threat for Starbucks. Starbucks is reliant on dairy and a rise in prices of the raw material could affect its profit margins. (Wikinvest, 2008). 1.4.3 Cultural differences: In USA, about 80% of Starbucks sales are takeout orders. In Japan 80% of consumers prefer to drink in the store outlets. Thus consumers preference to use the store atmosphere might turn out to be a threat to Starbucks plans of building a number of drive through outlets in Japan. (Chozick,2006). 1.4.4 Shrinking Disposable incomes. 1.4.5 Competition: Immediate competition from fast-food restaurants catching on the specialty coffee wave and developing products that competes with Starbucks. Tim Hortons -Nestle Dunkin Donuts McDonalds PESTLE ANALYSIS: Political Factors: Despite being far apart geographically, Japan USA have similar political structures. The Emperor is the head of the state, but the real power resides in the parliament and is mainly held by the Prime Minister.( House of Councillors, 2008). In USA, different states have the power to regulate businesses; whereas in Japan, regulations are laid down by the Diet and enforced throughout the country. This indicates that there are less complicated and less conflicting regulations to be concerned about when International businesses seek entry into the Japanese market. ( House of councillors, The constitution of Japan, as promulgated on November 3, 1946). ( Economic Factors: Measured on a purchasing power parity basis, Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world. But going by the official exchange rates, Japan would emerge as the 2nd largest economy, behind USA. Japan had a spectacular economical growth in the 1980s, however, growth slowed down considerably in the 1990s. Japan entered into recession in 2008, with 2009 marking a return to near 0% interest rates( CIA, as accessed on 24th oct,2010) with its GDP rising to 5.3%, when compared to 1.2% in 2008. Socio-cultural: Individuals from varied backgrounds are exposed to different traditions, rituals, customs and religions. All these factors provide human beings with various learning environments, which cause significant variations in standards, behaviour, attitudes and beliefs (David,1998). A comparison of the subsidiary parent countries is important for the success of a business seeking to expand in the foreign market, as this would lead to a better understanding of the local market. The Japanese as opposed to the Americans act more collectively and tend to be loyal to their respective groups. The Japanese often sacrifice their personal goals and ambitions to promote group interests. A low context society in USA shows that Americans are more direct in their communications and their messages are explicit. Whereas the Japanese use indirect ways to communicate and their voice intonation, timing and expressions play important roles in conveying information. (David, 1998) Technological: Technological factors greatly influence business strategies as they provide an opportunity to exploit innovations and inventions. Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world and ranks 18th on the list.( Thus it is more convenient to introduce technologically driven customer service into the Japanese market. There is scope for incorporating the American system of internet ordering in to Japan with the intension of faster service. Starbucks is continuously searching for ways to better a customers experience. With the introduction of the Starbucks Card for example, the Company has created the opportunity to improve customer service, shorten lines and make a customers visit at Starbucks quicker and more convenient. Also, most stores are equipped with WI-FI. Legal: There are no significant legal factors to consider while entering the Japanese market. Though, Starbucks has chosen to enter through a joint venture with SAZABY Inc., a Japanese retailer and restaurateur, because of the peculiarities of the local market. By doing so, Starbucks has given itself a better chance of exploiting the market as SAZABY would have a better understanding of how the Japanese consumers viewed food and coffee.( Porters Five Forces Competition Tullys Coffee, Gloria Jeans, Caribou Coffee etc. Competitors selling similar products, incl. specialty coffees high quality food. Competition nowhere in terms of volume of operations. Threat of new entrants Controlled access of distribution channels Innovation product differentiation Bargaining power of buyers More options due to no. of competitors. Large variety of products. Bargaining power of suppliers Overcrowding of market. Rise in prices of coffee beans. Choose suppliers based on quality, social, environmental economic issues Threat from substitutes Tea Soft drinks Juices Marketing Strategy to Enhance Profitability in the next 2 years: Segmentation: Segmentation is dividing the consumer market into distinct groups based on each individual groups wants, needs, preferences and behaviour. Starbucks is a company that embraces diversity, not limiting themselves to one specific demographic, behavioral, or geographic segment. Individuals appreciate how, regardless of any little difference, at Starbucks they are always treated as equals. ( Taking the demographic factor as the desired basis for segmentation: Gender: Sixty percent of Starbucks Japan market are woman customers in their 20s and 30s. ( Hence Starbucks should further penetrate the market by retaining the woman customer base and increasing its appeal amongst them by providing incentives in terms of products, ambience and experience. Age: Most of Starbucks customers are educated, working personnel who can afford the high prices of the products offered. Starbucks has a limited consumer base with females in the age group of 25-39 forming their major share of consumers.( It should reach out to the younger and much older groups by introducing a line of nutritional beverages. Education Income: Starbucks genius was to redefine the meaning of affordability regarding coffee. Target consumers were identified with regards to their living environment, level of income and education. They were convinced to pay premium prices for the experience, service and quality they were getting. The company was able to capture the changing consumer behaviour since the 1980s: more out-of-home entertainment, more self- gratification from consumers towards a good movie, a good glass of wine and a good cup of coffee. By raising the perceived value of the product for the consumer, Starbucks was able to raise its prices while keeping the product affordable. Creating brand loyalty through quality and innovation was also an important factor in decreasing the price elasticity of this commodity product. Thus, Starbucks should maintain this strategy and look less towards price reduction and more towards quality enhancement, a characteristic that has helped it build its brand. Targeting: Starbucks should practice differentiated targeting as it should try and capture a more wider section of the society. As it has identified the female gender to be its major consumers, Starbucks should retain this market and further expand it by targeting the woman clientele and coming out with more products that appeal to them. Also in order that it recieves a larger share of the male consumers, it should try and blend with the Japanese culture and accept their preference for smoking in some stores. Starbucks has already established its image amongst the educated and high income society. But, it should go one step further by seperately targeting the younger generation who are bound to follow in the footsteps of their peers and elders. In order that it recieves more number of teenagers, it should try and develop an atmosphere within its stores in terms of products and store experience that would appeal to the teens. Product Positioning: Starbucks is listening to the needs of the educated by devoting its business and research to developing ways to cater to this groups wants and needs. In addition to further building on its product quality and in-store customer experience, Starbucks should make itself more accessible to a wide variety of people by opening several quick stop services that would cater to the new generation of coffee drinkers because college-age students and the general population are always in a rush with little time to spare. The quick stop services and kiosks will make the process of buying coffee easier by eliminating long lines and creating alternative ways to buy coffee faster and will avoid the prospect of impatient customers. Starbucks should position itself as a brand not reserved only for the premium, high income society, but as a quality store that reflects on the needs and wants of all. As most Japanese are health conscious, it should try and build an image which does not discourage the teens and older people from visiting its stores. By bringing out more food items that match the Japanese palate, it should position its brand image as An American taste induced with Japanese flavors. Using the Marketing Mix to assist the chosen growth strategy: 1. Product: Diversify the product line: The tradition of tea drinking in Japan has been prevalent from the early beginning. There are many varieties of tea, and some of them, especially Green tea can be bought anywhere. Tea has proved to be a popular drink for most Japanese because of its wide variety of tastes. Thus, by introducing a few select varieties of tea in its store outlets, it would touch at the roots of the consumers. It would directly be percieved as a renowned American brand that cares to accomodate the Japanese tastes. ( The presence of soybean in Japanese dishes is indispensable. Its not only widely accepted as the staple ingredient in Japanese dishes,be it rice, curd or soup, but also has great nutritional value. It finds its place in Japanese breakfast, lunch and dinner. It contains a chemical, soy isoflavones, which when accumulated in the body, functions like the female sex hormone(estrogen), which in turn promotes bone formation. Hence it is considered useful for post-menopausal women whose estrogen levels are low. Also soy isoflavones has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 40%.( Since Starbucks has found its presence to be more popular among woman, it will only increase its appeal to them by introducing a variety of beverages and food items that contain soybean in its diet. It should also bring about innovations in its product line, making them more nutritious to consume, thus forwarding its appeal to the health c onscious society. Introduce a line of health drinks, fruit juices that would attract teenagers who percieve Starbucks as a high end store selling speciality coffee. The presence of flavored non-caffeine drinks would help capture the teen market. 2. Place: Diversify its stores: Many critics had expected Starbucks to fail because of its strict no-smoking policy within its stores. The general Japanese customer prefers to smoke with food and drinks. But this strategy attracted many young health concious women who then accounted for Starbucks majority sales.( Although starbucks has so far managed to sustain its growth, competitors with a tolerance to smoking are providing good reason for its drop in sales in recent years. Hence,in order to attract a more varied clientele and improve profitability, Starbucks should make an exception in the case of Japan and introduce some stores that accept smoking; adapt to its culture. They could still stick to their rationality behind no-smoking environment to preserve the aromas flavors of the coffee beans(Starbucks website) by not allowing in-store smoking. Certain stores with a wider space facility could bring in open-air seating arrangemen ts. This way, those who wish to smoke can take a seat outside and enjoy a starbuck coffee. Another way would be to introduce balconies in some stores that have 2 or 3 storeys. Build on its in-store experience: Starbucks should build more in its store atmosphere rather focus on building drive-through outlets. In Japan 80% of the coffee consumers like to drink inside the store, while relishing the ambience.(chozick,2006). Although starbucks has an untarnished brand image, it should further build on its superior quality of store atmosphere in order to remain competitive and keep up sales. The hygiene of the stores, book readings, baby changing stations, sleek furniture and posh interiors are the key to its ability to provide a quality customer experience. Given that the majority of its customers are women and the Japanese love for the English language, it should transform certain sections of the store to accomodate a reading section that would comprise more of women oriented magazines and books that teach english. Choose a larger number of distribution units: Starbucks should improvise on its plan to introduce its instant coffee-starbucks VIA across convenience stores in Japan. It had announced the launch of its instant products in 11000 convenience and grocery stores in september. ( By doing so, it has exposed its brand to the worlds largest instant coffee market. ( Now the availabity of starbucks instant products is not limited only to its retail outlets. However, the presence of its competitors( Nestle and Kraft) in the instant coffee segment is more widespread and well established. Thus, it should try to capitalise on Japans $5 billion instant coffee market by providing its instant products to more number of distribution units and seal its presence. 3. Price: Prices of instant products: Starbucks should consider reducing the price of its instant products to enable higher sales. Starbucks is to sell a box of 3 VIA instant soluble sticks for 300 yen, which amounts to 100 yen per cup, and a box of 12 sticks for 1000 yen. When compared, its competitor Nescafe has a rival offering of 15 sticks for 300 yen. ( Thus, there exists a wide price gap for its instant products and since Starbucks VIA will be occupying the same shelf space as Nescafe, Kraft etc., it would find it difficult to gain acceptance in the market. A customer would go up to the racks and find the rival offerings more viable. Hence, Starbucks should look to cut down its prices on instant products. It can afford to do so without the risk of diluting the brand image built on high end coffee, as the instant coffee would come without the experience of physically being in the store. Prices of in-store products: Starbucks prices of in-store products are higher when compared to its competitors. It is looking to further raise the prices of some 20 beverages and 5 coffee bean products. ( It should retain this pricing strategy as it differentiates itself from its competitors by providing an excellent quality customer experience. Also most of its outlets are located on expensive pieces of real estate in centralized, busy areas of Japan. 4. Promotion: Cultural Entertainment campaigns: Starbucks should come out with various cultural and entertainment campaigns to attract the Japanese youth, a segment of the society it has still not managed to woo successfully. Conclusion Starbucks is ahead of the rest in the Japanese coffee market, but there is still room for improvement. A decentralised structure accompanied with a mixed global strategy has helped the company to find a balance between reaching economies of scales and responding to the local market. By establishing a joint venture with local retail chain Sazaby Inc., it has reduced their risks of being unfamiliar with the market; and Starbucks has successfully gained the knowledge and channels of distribution from its partner. Starbucks strong brand image and customer loyalty has contributed to their maintaining a leading position in this market. By diversifying its target consumers and innovating its product line, it should be able to further strengthen its market share.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Exploration of the Brain in Emily Dickinsons Poem 670 :: Emily Dickinson Poem 670 Essays
Exploration of the Brain in Emily Dickinson's Poem 670 The brain is one of the most complex organs of the entire human body. How many people over the course of time have explored and tried to explain the brain? Even with millions of peoples' opinions of how the brain works, we still do not understand the most intrinsic parts of it. The tricky part is the subconscious. We are able to hide things, even from ourselves, for years. How is it that we can bury so much information that becomes so hard to find? Emily Dickinson understood this concept. She did not understand the way the brain works, perhaps, but without a doubt she did understand that it is able to conceal things from ourselves. "The brain has Corridors-surpassing Material place" (3-4). Surpassing all material things, the brain is past those things. Within the corridors are heaps of information that we sometimes even become unaware of. Something has to be a trigger, to set off a specific corridor in order to bring that information back to mind. Many times this is proven when a person whom has endured abuse as a child is counseled. Psychiatrists have to probe deep into those corridors to retrieve information that the child has willingly or subconsciously buried. So, why was Dickinson so interested in these corridors? Perhaps she was dealing with something of her past and during that time realized how hard it is to retrieve things sometimes. Perhaps she was counseling a close friend or family member and wrote this as a result of that. Perhaps she was studying the brain and became interested in doing research. Perhaps none of these things were the case with Dickinson. Whatever her reason, the poem shows much thought. We go on to read that any ghost meeting at midnight is safer than probing into that abyss called the mind. Why is it so unsafe? Well, what kind of things do we bury deep into our minds? Normally, they are things that we want to forget, painful memories, and embarrassing experiences. Those things can definitely be considered dangerous. If they were not dangerous, why would we bury them in the first place? To illustrate this point, I am going to tell you a story. I am the child of an alcoholic father. I have always lived under dangerous circumstances, and because of this, I have chosen to forget much of my childhood.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Jesse James :: essays research papers
Jesse Woodson James was viewed in two ways; a modern Robin Hood and a killer. He was born in Kearney, Missouri on September 5, 1847. Some people say it was the cruel treatment from Union soldiers that turned Frank and Jesse to a life of crime during the Civil War. During the Civil War, at age 15, he joined Quantrill's Raiders, a group of pro-Confederate guerillas. He was part of the Centralia massacre in 1864. He is also known to have been a spy for the rebel army. Jesse was wounded while surrendering. He took a bullet through one of his lungs. He was nursed back to health and within a year, Frank and Jesse are believed to have pulled off the first daylight bank robbery during peacetime. They made off with $60,000 from the Liberty, Mo. bank and one man was killed. For the next 15 years, the James boys roamed throughout the U.S. robbing trains and banks of their gold, building a legend that was to live more than a century after Jesse's death. Jesse married his own first cousin after a nine-year courtship. She was named for his own mother, Zerelda. They had two children, Jesse Edwards and Mary. Frank and Jesse had talked about forming a gang with Cole Younger, but Jesse was not with them when they committed their first robbery in February of 1866. Jesse joined in October. It wasn’t until March 1867 that they pulled their first job together. They tried to rob a bank at Savannah. All three aimed at the bank president, but all were bad shots and only one bullet barely touched him. This job was not successful. Two months later a man and his fifteen-year-old son were found dead and the blame was placed on Jesse. He was very attached to his mother and usually hid out at her house after pulling a job. The Pinkerton Detective Agency was called in to help catch the James/ Younger Gang. During a nighttime raid on the family home a firebomb was tossed into the log cabin. The explosion tore off the hand of Jesse's mother, and killed his half- brother. One of their most famous rides was in September of 1876. Jesses gang tried to take the Northfield, Minn. Bank. The town people fired at them and all except for Frank and Jesse were killed, wounded or captured.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye Essay -- Salinger Catcher Rye
J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye "There’s far more to the censorship issue than a ban on sex and four-letter words. I sometimes think that those of us who need to be the most clearheaded about these matters are planting the very trees that obscure our view of the forest," says Dorothy Briley. According to Briley, a vast amount more is needed than simply vulgar language and suggestive material to censor a novel. But this is the very reason why J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is frequently being banned from high schools. To the teenage readers, who are at the transition from childhood to adulthood, the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, who has not quite reached the brink of manhood, becomes the reader’s hero. The adolescent mind that Salinger portrays so accurately in his novel is one with which most teenagers and readers, at one time or another, could identify. The Catcher in the Rye also contains universal themes that, for teenagers about to shift into adulthood, help young adults better understand the world and other people. Although it does contain abusive language and sexual connotations, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger should not be censored in high schools because it provides insightful information and relevance to the life of young adults through its realistic situations and themes of acceptance and materialism. The reader can relate to the realistic situations, such as the scene at the Lunts play, present in the ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Accounting Laws Memo Essay
Re: Process and Laws that apply in Puerto Rico to establish a business corporation. It is a pleasure to help and guide you through the process of regulations and steps in establishing a community pharmacy in Puerto Rico. This type of business is very regulated and includes both state and federal laws. -The first thing that must be done is to get incorporated in the Department of State in accordance with the corporations law 164 of 2009 with a company name that is not registered yet and offering a physical address into which municipality will be the headquarters. Then a business social security issued by the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Services must be obtained. This number will identify the corporation when doing business among other business and when paying taxes to the state and municipality. See more: My Writing Process Essay -A merchant registry number (Registro de comerciante) must be obtained also by the department of treasury, here you will specify the exact mailing and physical address and what type of business will be conducted under that corporation. Additional documents are needed: Lease Contract Use Permit (Obtained in the municipality if it is autonomous, if not in OGP offices) and is granted by ARPE Fire Department endorsement (Extinguishers and emergency exits) Health department endorsement. (Requires a minimum of two bathrooms and at least one with the dimensions for handicapped persons.) Structure blueprints Explicative letter CRIM certification (Centro de Recaudaciones de Ingresos Municipales) -With a provisional patent issued when completed the above steps, then you will need to get the permits for the pharmacy licenses at the Health Department of Puerto Rico and AMSCA (Administracion de Servicios de Salud y Contra la Adiccion) and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Requirements for Pharmacy permits: Regent or Ruling certified Pharmacist endorsed by the College of Pharmacist $75 biological License fee $100 Pharmacy License fee Requirements for AMSCA: Health and Pharmacy permit Lease Contract Medicine cabinet for controlled drugs Security Cameras Pharmacist Permit $200 fee Requirements for DEA permit: Fill all documents at the DEA website $500 fee – Once completed you must go to the municipality where the business is going to be and request the final patent to operate. Under the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, accounting principles are established by FASB (Financial Accounting Standards board). It is very important to follow these standards and laws established by the government to avoid any penalties and fines. Accounts and deposits must be made under the same name of the corporation. (Act 981m) Funds, Accounting, and tests accounts must be specified and communicate how the funds should be managed. This is verified by the Controller of Puerto Rico (Act 671i) With the Commercial Registry (Registro de comerciante) a sales tax must be paid by the 10th of every month. Income tax and employee social security must be informed every three months and the contribution retained of the employees is paid every month to the department of treasury. Employee social security contribution is paid monthly to the IRS. Every three months unemployment insurance fee and incapacity is paid to the Department of Labor. Every six months insurance to the State Insurance Fund (Fondo del Seguro del Estado) must be paid. This is in accordance with Act 45, approved on April 18, 1935, known as the Compensation System for Occupational Accidents. This protects employees and covers the monthly payment to them in case of an accident in the workplace. Public responsibility insurance to protect the corporation against third party accidents is highly recommended. If you follow these steps and suggestions, I can assure you that you can get your business running and be assured that the laws are being followed. The process may take some time, but it is worth the time and money in the future. PYMES are needed in the country for the local economy to progress, and I am more than welcome to help you in the process. My ultimate advice is to get a certified CPA to work with you in the accounting functions of the business to help minimize errors and fines when is time to pay.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Professor Tocker
Shop This project has to do with price elasticity, which is a measure used in economics to show the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good or service, in regards to the quantity demanded for a good or service to a change in its price. It will also give the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a change in price. (wow. coursesmart. com/97812568314/page 551). A measure of the relationship between the change in quantity demanded of a particular good and a change in its rice relates to prices sensitivity.If a small change in price is accompanied by a change of quantity demanded, the product will be elastic. A product that is inelastic is when a large change in price is accompanied by a small change in the quantity demanded. Elasticity is sensitive to change in price, the degree to which demand for a good or service, in this case the flowers I am selling, varies with its price. It has to do with sales, when sales increase with a drop in price and decreases with the rise in price.Things like appliances, cars, and other non-essential, or luxury items, show elasticity of demand, it is because they are not essential items such as medical supplies, food, or etc. (www. businessdictionary. com/definition/ elasticityofdemand. html) Inelastic demand is when a demand for a product doesn't increase or decrease with a fall or rise in its price; an increase in price would increase the revenue regardless of a fall in the quantity demanded. Inelastic examples would be groceries, gasoline, etc. things that are necessities.The ercentage change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price. It is also unresponsive to changes like demand, when it falls to increase in proportion to a decrease in price. (Tocker, R. (November 26, 2013) Econ 212 2 203 3 [chat 4]. Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Virtual Campus. ECON212 13048-02 Principles ot Microeconomics: nttps://campus. ctuonline. edu) The price of a laptop increases by 20% and there is a 40% drop in quantity demanded of the laptop. Then formula would be: Formula = Percent of change in Quantity demanded of LaptopPercentage of change in Price of Laptop Quantity Demand 40% = 4 = 2 Price Increased 20% 2 Since the result is greater than 1, the demand for the laptops is elastic, and the effect on total revenue of an increase in price which will mean that the total revenue will fall. Inelastic demand is Just the opposite of elastic demand, because consumers will buy it regardless of price. Formula = Percentage of quantity Demanded of Cigarettes Percentage of price increase of Cigarettes Demanded The price of cigarettes increased by 10%, and there is a 5% drop in the quantity emanded. Quantity Demanded 5% Price Increased 0. 10 Since the result is less than 1, the demand for cigarettes is inelastic and the effect on total revenue on a decrease in price, which will mean that revenue rises, then total revenue will be unchanged. (wrww. economicsrevealed. co. uk) I th ink bridge tolls are inelastic, people will pay them regardless of price; it helps to maintain roads and reduce traffic congestion this is something people will Just add to their daily expenses for getting to and from work. As far as beachfront property is oncerned, I think many people would love to own beachfront property; however, it is not a necessity this would be a luxury, which is elastic.Gourmet coffee and cell phones could be both either elastic or inelastic, depending on if you believe it is a necessity or a luxury. My personal opinion is that it is a necessity, but the applications and downloads that are available to you are a luxury, an added feature is something your do not need. I could not imagine being without my cell phone, but I don't want to pay for all the extra apps that are available. I honestly believe that gasoline is inelastic because you need it to travel, getting back and forth to work, etc.Regardless of what price the gas may be we will pay it in order to get to our destination. Owning and running a floral shop, I have to look at the supply and demand. While Valentine's Day is when roses are in high demand, but supply is low; however, you also have a higher demand in flowers during Christmas and Hanukkah, Mother's Day, Easter, and Memorial Day. The best time for me to raise prices would be in February, ecause of the high demand; again in May to deal with the demand for Mother's Day, Memorial Day and weddings throughout the summer months.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Diferrence Between Management and Administration
Management Vs Administration Page 1. INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 †¢ Meaning of Administration†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 †¢ Meaning of Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 2. THE MAIN BODY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 †¢ The differences between administration and management with practical examples†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 3. CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 4. REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6According to Haimann, T (1978) â€Å"Managing the Modern Organization’’ Administration means overall determination of policies, setting of major objectives, identification of general purposes and laying down of broad programmes and projects while management is the art getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups (Koontz, H 1961, â€Å"The management theory jungle†Administration is the universal process of organizing people and resources efficiently so as to direct activities toward common goals and objectives.It is a process because it involves a series of steps in organizing people and other resources and thus one step cannot be overlooked while management is a human action including design to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. Another American expert, McFarland (1962) in his book, â€Å"American Foundation for Management Research†he defined administration as refers to the determination of major objectives and policies w hile management to the carrying out of the operations designed to accomplish the aims and effectuate the poicies.Therefore it may appear that both the terms, namely administration and management are connotative of one and the same meaning, but there is actually some kind of differences between the two as follows. Administration is the science of determining the policies and objectives of an organization or a firm, while management is the act of putting into practice the policies and objectives framed by the administration. It can thus be said that administration is a determinative function whereas management is executive function. Feature article about Production ManagementIt is executive in the sense that it executes the objectives and policies that are already framed by the administration and included in the constitution. A good example can be taken from our Tanzanian ministerial model where by Ministers take roles of formulating broad objective, policies and goals for the ministry (administrator) while the interpretation and the execution of the laid down policies objectives and goals remain in the hands of directors and other responsible personnel (managers)Also administration comprises of top level personnel that have contributed to the capital, that are partners of the company or the organization while management comprises of a group of managers that exhibit their skill in putting into practice the objectives of the organization. It can be simply said that the management is directly under the control of administration or the administration controls the management.For example, financial institution man agers like bank managers exhibits their managerial skills by increasing the capital or profit of the bank so as to fulfill the pre laid down objectives by the board of directors or owner (administrator). Therefore management would survive if the administration is satisfied by the management academic show. Hence management should strictly comprise of talented managers that show their ability in translating into practice what the administration expects of them.Moreover planning is the key factor of an administration while motivation is the key factor of management. Planning of all activities in a specified period of time of an organization is done by the administration then management determine on how the planned interventions in a given time can be accomplished whereby it may involve some motivations in most cases so as to raise morale of performance. It is important to note that administrative handles the most vital aspect of an organization, namely, finance.This is due to the fact that administration organizes resources so as to use them to fulfill their mission. While management does not handle the sensitive issue of finance but does handle the method of operation to carry out the strategy of the administration. Therefore managers must be expert of the relevant field he/she work. For example, bank manager must be an expert of the financial field like accounts, business administration e. tcAdministration also takes vital decisions of an organization whereas management is not authorized to take vital decisions of an organization but can take decisions within a certain framework, by the approval of the administration. For example, bank managers cannot decide to have business agreement or contracts like loans without prior approval by the administration. Also administration is made of administrators who are in most cases found in government, religious, military and educational organizations, while management is made up by managers who are found in special progra ms and business institution only.CONCLUSION In general, administration is concerned with the overall determination of policies and objectives and setting of major goals and laying out the broad programmes, whereas, management denotes execution of the objectives and programmes. REFERENCES †¢ Haimann, T. (1978) Managing the Modern Organization, 2nd Edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). †¢ Saleemi, N,A (2011), Principles and practice of Management Simplified, 2nd Revised Edition, Saleemi Publication LTD. †¢ Koontz, H. (1961) The Management Theory Jungle, in Journal of the academy of Management. †¢ Lecture hand out PUB 113
Innocent Smoothies
Innocent drink case study analysis: Innocent drinks are a unique business selling 100% natural fruit smoothies. (Innocent drinks) There are many factors that contribute to the company’s successful development so far. Firstly, and most importantly, their unique selling point which is using just fresh fruit in their drinks. This is a major strength to the company as they fit in today’s trend of a healthy eating lifestyle. â€Å"They contain even more antioxidants than the average five a day†(Adams 2007). Moreover Innocent has environmentally friendly packaging; their bottles are clear with simple product information in one colour. Straight away this makes it stand out more than the rest on that shop shelf. â€Å"They were the first company in the world to put drinks on shelves in 100% recycled plastic bottles†(Oracle 2008). However they did not carry out in depth research, they only asked consumers one question: â€Å"Do you think we should give up our jobs to make these smoothies? †(Bains et. al. 2008). No questions related to the product that could help them in the future were asked. Moreover the founders abided by their principles and they only produced their products how they wanted to. This had moved them from a niche market to a nationalised company, now holding more than half of the market share. Furthermore they have met their social responsibilities in many ways such as projects in India, providing food for the homeless and the big knit- providing warmth for the elderly. â€Å"We knitted 20,000 hats to raise ? 10,000 money for Age Concern†(Innocent drinks) Another factor of success to Innocent is their fun and informal business style. Their organisational structure is unique as their staff get bonuses on having children and snowboarding holidays. Even their website is fun-filled excitement; it has its own attractive style it tells you everything about them. Lester (2007) explains â€Å"Their Company’s offices are among the friendliest and relaxed in the world†However the difficulties that company’s like Innocent drinks face are firstly lack of experience and knowledge. Lester (2007) describes â€Å"Its founders had no real experience in the sector. †Moreover raising capital, the founders of Innocent being foolish gave their jobs up straight away without any solid plans. Lester (2007) explains â€Å"They needed to raise money to buy fruit and bottles and get the smoothies made. †However capital problems can be solved by finding ‘Business Angels’. Innocent also found theirs – a wealthy American Maurice Pinto, had the experience and the `money; he was highly impressed by Innocent. â€Å"Maurice decided to invest ? 250,000 in return for 20% stake in the business†(Lester 2007). Furthermore many new businesses underestimate things like how much raw material they will need, this was similar to Innocent. They had only ever made small quantities of their juices but were looking to expand across the nation†(Lester 2007). But using fresh fruits meant that the drinks will be perishable quicker and will have to be sold really quickly. Having too many founders can also be an obstacle to a small business. Innocent had three founders, which meant there were conflicts and every decision had to be discussed and debated befor e reaching a conclusion. This can slow down progress. Innocent have many more business opportunities now that they are a successfully developed business. They have already started to expand their product range in making further products like desserts. They could furthermore develop their product range from ice-creams to maybe even meals, keeping to their principles of healthy eating. Moreover, with the right market research, if these products became successful, they could even open up shops, even restaurants or cafes and possibly start selling online too. These are opportunities because â€Å"By differentiating the products or service the company increase the value of its operators and hence, improves performance†(Bradley 2002 p21). They could further enhance their existing products starting with new packaging, a new style, new combination of colours or even new sizes (king/snack size). Ali (2001 pg 24) suggests firms should â€Å"Keep products fresh by introducing new variants and improved versions†. Using incentives is a good way to get attention, Innocent could offer a free soft toy cow, or a free membership pass to a gym. Innocent use testimonials on their website, they could use famous faces to make these testimonials stand out more. Ali (2001 p11) also explains that a business should â€Å"Look at the various aspects of their business that customers use to form a view of you†Lastly Innocent could sponsor big charity events and music shows, this way they are being ethically responsible and they raise awareness about their products. All of these suggestions would contribute to reducing the risk of business failure for Innocent drinks in the future. Innocent is a fast growing business and one of the most successful. However Page, Ralph and Jones (1989 p 1-55) explain fast growth in a short period of time is a threat. Having to produce on a large scale and making deliveries on time can be difficult. Forecasting demand and market growth is essential; firms almost fail predicting this incorrectly. A fast growing business like Innocent, need to keep track of forecasts as accurately as they can, or they can lose their reputation and money. For example, â€Å"Firms need skill in measuring and forecasting the size, growth, and profit potential†(Kotler 1994 p 245). Also Innocent will have to be aware of changing trends and tastes in their market, drastic changes in the market can affect Innocent. However there are also external threats to Innocent like competition (Myroslaw 1987 p 45). They need to keep a constant watch on competitors to make comparisons with their own business. Moreover change in economic conditions effect firms, currently the economy is suffering a recession; (www. news. bbc. co. uk) during these times it would be best to lower prices. Even more technology changes can be threatening to the position of a firm, Innocent might need to update their current technology and re-train their employees. Finally meeting their liabilities, avoiding bad debts and cash flow problems will contribute to a firm’s success. In conclusion Innocent drinks is proven to be a surprisingly successful business even after all the struggles, they came through as a strong and honest business. However they now need to be extra careful because they have reached a high level of success, and the higher you are the harder it becomes to maintain that position. Word count: 1,062 Bibliography: Anthony S. Page, Ralph C. Jones (1989) ‘Business Growth – How to Achieve and Sustain It’, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 10(2) p 1-55. Ali, M. (2001) Marketing Effectively, Hampton, Dorling Kindersley. Baines, P. Fill, C. and Page, K. (2008) Marketing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bradley, F. (2002) International Marketing Strategy, Dublin, Pearson Education. Kotler, P. (1994) Marketing Management, USA, Prentice Hall. Myroslaw J. (1987) ‘customer service competition business to business and industrial market’ Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2(4) p45-52. ttp://www. innocentdrinks. co. uk/us/? Page=our_story Accessed 21/11/08 http://www. innocentdrinks. co. uk/bored/ Accessed 21/11/08 http://money. aol. co. uk/small-business/innocent-drinks-coming-to-fruition/article/20070814091309990004 Accessed 19/11/08 http://www. oracle. com/customers/snapshots/innocent-drinks-demantra-snapshot. pdf Accessed 21/11/08 http://www. drinks-business-review. com/art icle_feature. asp? guid=55937F47-8134-4E4F-A9A4-881AE440062F Accessed 21/11/08 http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/magazine/7686531. stm Accessed 01/12/08
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Capitalism and Our Society
Capitalism and Our Society Essay From the very dawn of intelligent human interaction to the present day,the concept of capitalism has dominated the way we trade goods andacquire wealth. Except for the necessity of a simple communist society inpre-modern times, or the noble humanistic notion of a socialist society,the free market has always been the most efficient way to run the economyonce the most basic needs of life have been satisfied. Only during thelast several hundred years has the idea of a modern democracy beendeveloped and applied through the modern state. These two concepts arethought by some to be interrelated, but contemporary critics of theliberal form of democracy seek to separate the two notions of capitalismand democracy. However, when examining the evidence of the relation ofthe two, let us not use the altered conceptions or versions of theseterms, but rather analyse them by their base meanings as we have come tounderstand them. After this analysis of the terms and a resultingstipulation of what the ir base meanings are, critics may say that anyfurther analysis of the relationship between the two terms would betainted by their supposed definitions. The problem with this is thatwithout a common frame of reference between the two, no comparison wouldbe logically possible without considering an infinite range of possiblemeanings. With this technical matter aside, the analysis will continuewith an investigation into arguments both for and against the separationof the two terms, and then an evaluation of the true nature ofcapitalismrsquos relationship with democracy. Specifically the freemarket economy dictating the actions of any democratic regime. After thistask of evaluation is complete, the argument will conclude withillustrating how capitalism will actually lead to a more liberal form ofdemocracy. The first step of this investigation is to make some attempt to achieve acommon frame of reference between the two terms. Literally, democracy isthe rule of the people. Specifically, it is the organization in place toallow people of a specified area, through organized elections, to givetheir uncoerced opinion on who they want to represent them in government,or what they want government to do for them. The underlyingpresupposition is that government will always obey the command of themajority of voters. There are many limitations to democracy, such as thefact that people can only vote YEA or NEA on a specific topic area, thusproducing a dichotomy of choices that may not necessarily offer asolution to a problem. Also, people must leave most decisions to thepeople they elect, since they donrsquot have enough time to continuallyvote. However, the focus of this work is not to delve into this area ofcontroversy, but rather to take this understanding of democracy as thestipulated definition for this work. One critical distinction must bemade regarding Bergerrsquos understanding of the term, and that is thatthe term democracy does not include all the civil and human ri ghtsassociated with liberal democracy. Similarly, by capitalism, this work will not use any other connotation ofthe term other than describing the free market economy, where there isprivate ownership of property, and the economic freedom to buy, sell, ortrade with whomsoever you chose. The critical element of the term is thatthere is limited government in place to enforce contracts and to providea safe trading environment. Another specific meaning given to capitalismis by Friedman, who describes capitalism as economic cooperation, whereboth parties are benefiting from the trade, provided that the trade isvoluntary and informed on both sides. READ: Freedom and Opression in Literature EssayThe next step in the investigation is to analyse some of the argumentsthat capitalism is separate from democracy. Dryzek argued that anindividualrsquos consumer preferences wereproperly expressed in the economy, while the same persons politicalpreferences were expressed in politics3. This perspective indicates thatthe capitalist economy is a separate entity form the democratic politicalsystem, because these are two different institutions into which anindividual can state his or her preferences, depending on whether theyare economically or politically motivated. On the other hand, history hasgiven many examples of how a personrsquos economic preferences have beenstated in the political forum, such as voting for a politician that haspromised to reduce taxes or to establish free trade between two states. That same person could only express those preferences in the politicalforum, because they alone would have no power to change the structure ofthe economy such that it would seem advantageous to lower taxes
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Compare and Contrast the drive participatory styles of management, Essay
Compare and Contrast the drive participatory styles of management, describe which one would you use and why - Essay Example Such an approach encourages the employees to improve their productivity and performance because when they do their job well, they are rewarded. In such a participatory management style, employees can see the way their contributions add value to the organization. Yet another style of participatory management is the shared decision-making management style in which employees complete surveys, take part in focus groups, brainstorming sessions, and achieve specific tasks in self-monitored groups. A common feature of all the different styles of participatory management is that they consist of a type of share decision-making (McQuerrey). I would use the recognition management style of participatory management. I prefer this style of management because this provides the employees with incentives to improve their productivity and efficiency at the workplace. Sometimes, it is in the best interest of the management to control the level of transparency in the workplace. Too much transparency becomes the cause of undue conflicts and misunderstandings. I believe that a manager should be in charge and control the discipline and work, and reward the ones that deserve according to his/her judgment and criteria. Such a positive attitude fosters trust between the manager and the employees (Raeside
Monday, August 12, 2019
Management accounting system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management accounting system - Essay Example A cost management system for Skytop would provide information to make life easier for all involved.Cost accounting system will assign costs (costing) to specific products (meals, room per night, gaming machine round, etc.) and services (cleaning, room service, meal preparation, etc.) and other cost objects as identified by management. This in-turn will satisfy the financial reporting requirements then management decision-making essentials. For example the General Manager gets to know the actual cost of a room to make the pricing decision; the HR Manager is informed of the actual cost of each staff (salary, benefits, etc.) for HR related decisions; the Marketing Manager would be able to find out actual profit (revenue from the campaign minus the actual cost of the campaign) generated by a specific marketing campaign; the respected owners will be informed of the actual cost of keeping a hotel and would be able to make related decisions. Operational control system on the other hand will provide accurate and timely feedback concerning performance; the activities that should be performed and evaluation of those activities (controlling). Furthermore it concentrates on finding scope for improvement and aids in the planning process. In other words helps planning realistic budgets (uses information from cost accounting system as well) and accordingly enables performance control. For instant all managers will be able to compare budgeted costs to actual costs, understand the difference and thereby use the information to find means of improvement e.g. cost cutting, hire new staff, changing the menu policy, etc. The owners too can conduct performance evaluations of the management, measure actual return on investment and assess hotel’s growth in financial and non-financial terms. b) Type of information required For efficient function of the system the management will be required to gather variety of information both fina ncial and non-financial. The sources of this information could be from both internal (within the company) and external sources (external environment for comparison purposes). The internal information from within the company which are financial such as cash flows, labor charges, material costs etc Also non-financial information such as time records (labor hours, meal preparation time), stock levels, quality measures, customer feedback ratings, etc. The external information from the environment would typically include global competition, growth of the hotel industry, advances in information technology, advances in the food preparation, customer orientations, new product development, total quality management, time as a competitive element, and efficiency. Depending on the budgetary control system and the reporting system that is used these information would be required regularly on daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. c) Key cost drivers A cost driver is an activity or factor that originates costs. Activity based costing which is considered to be the most realistic and accurate method of costing requires identification of cost drivers. Thus, ‘Number of rooms’ night’ and ‘number of stays’ is two of the key cost drivers that are widely used in the hotel industry (Pavlatos & Paggios,
Sunday, August 11, 2019
International trade ( Economic ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
International trade ( Economic ) - Essay Example In the perception of many in the developing world, the IMF has played major roles in helping countries overcome financial problems such as those that occurred in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, and Turkey. The problem with Turkey sticks out like a sore thumb: the country has had it eighteenth program with the IMF but its problem persists. In 1997, the IMF thrust itself into prominence when it intervened in the Asian Financial Crisis as countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines – and more particularly, South Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia -- saw the value of their currencies plummet to unprecedented lows. The timely assistance provided by the world financial body helped these countries tide over the crisis but the process was fraught with painful adjustments and even triggered harsh criticism of IMF policy measures in these countries as to their appropriateness, given the peculiar domestic macroeconomic conditions. South Korea obtained a $55 billion credit from the IMF with certain attached conditions. South Korea was to open its economy and banking system to foreign investors and eliminate trade-related subsidies and import licensing, thereby making it vulnerable to foreign competition . The IMF also required the country to maintain a low inflation rate of 5 per cent. This was inconsistent with th e fact that the fall in the value of the Korean won and subsequent rise in import prices would create pressures on domestic prices. The unpleasant consequence of this was that the high interest rates made all the more difficult for South Korean companies to service their debts, thus the IMF was criticized for exacerbating the crisis these companies were facing instead of abating them. By applying cut-and-dried solutions to problems in countries with unique problems, the IMF opened itself to criticism of lack of
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