Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Biological, Social, And Cultural Factors That...
Running head: Youth Violence Abstract The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the biological, social, and cultural factors that influence youth violence. In order to do so I am prepared to make a connection between indirect and direct exposure to violence as contributors to youth violence. Through a social perspective youth violence correlates with social learning. Youth conducting in violence do so because of what they have witnessed. From a cultural perspective youth violence originates from family values. Violence is learned and is sought as a way to defend oneself against family or community members seeking to harm. The biological perspective says that cortisol decreases throughout the day, and is a contributor to higher stress and liability to make decisions. Therefore, it is believed from the information collected in this literature review that youth violence is preventable. Introduction In ninth grade I was hit in the face with a fire extinguisher. All I could see was the young lady who hit me running down the steps, and then I looked to the right my best friend was getting beaten by two girls. I had two options run down the steps after her and beat the shit out of the girl who just hit me, face bleeding and all, or help my best friend who was getting jumped. Doing what I believe was the right thing to do; I ran over to my best friend and started beating one of the girls that was on her. Youth violence is harmful behaviors like bullying, slapping,Show MoreRelatedWhy Are Lgbt Students Committing Suicide More Than Non Transgender Students?1559 Words  | 7 Pages In a study research, it was discovered that LGBT [lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender] youths commit suicide more than heterosexual youths. One question that perturbed my mind was Why are LGBT students committing suicide more than non-LGBT students? What factors are responsible for the massive suic ide? 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Demographics According to Corcoran and Walsh (2015) the demographics of those with BPD are: Youths- childhood accounts of abandonmentRead MoreBrainwashing Youth : How Advertising Influences Children On Gender Images1496 Words  | 6 Pages Brainwashing Youth: How Advertising Influences Children on Gender Images For advertising companies, the topic of advertising to children is one that is very controversial and could lead to a lot of debate on whether it is even ethical to do so. None the less advertisements continue to be aired and targeted towards a particularly vulnerable group: children. At a young age it is a critical time for children. They are not only developing their mental and physical capabilities, but they are also developing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Street Smarts versus Book Smarts - 706 Words
Everyone has an opinion concerning what type of education is most useful. We all know that a college education is important in the competitive world we live in today. For instance, if you want a career in engineering, medicine, chemistry or law, a bachelors degree or higher is mandatory. We often see people who have made it really big, and yet have little or no formal education. My opinion is, in order to get and keep a good paying job, you need both â€Å"street smarts†and â€Å"book smarts.†The combination of practical knowledge and explicit knowledge is the key to a successful career. Both types of knowledge have distinct advantages. They have both used their experiences in life to achieve their goals. For example, if a street smart†¦show more content†¦While Book smarts are defined as academic skills, knowing that. First, the street smart people gain their academic skills through their personal experiences. They were influenced by their surroundings. The y adapt to their environment by employing the survival skills they have learned. In contrast, book smart people gain knowledge through education. They have attended many years of school and obtain academic skills. They may also be more exposed to information through the media. For example, they may read news paper or magazine by doing these their knowledge expanded. Second, street smart gain personal management skills through their co-worker and family relationships. The knowledge they obtain gives them immediate practical use. They spend a lot of time engaging in social interactions, especially with their colleague. This provides them with many opportunities to manage their relationships. They used what they have to get by in life. On the other hand, book smart gain personal management skills through specialized classes and mentoring at work. They will set their goal and use their resources to obtain that goal. For instance, if they wanted to be a nurse, they would take the appropr iate classes which would include training from an experience nurse Last, street smart teamwork skills are acquired through interactions with co-workers. They help each other to be able to get the job done. By helping each other at work, teaches them cooperation. ForShow MoreRelatedHidden Intellectualism. According To The Oxford English1090 Words  | 5 PagesDictionary, the term â€Å"street-smarts†is defined as â€Å"The experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment†. This term is often seen more negatively in the context of college acceptance and level of general intelligence. The idea of street smarts and book smarts is argued in terms of good and bad or good and bad judgment. Success has been determined in society as a well balance of both street smarts and book smarts. Intelligence, likeRead MoreHidden Intellectualism Summary Analysis - Gerald Graff814 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿In Hidde n Intellectualism by Gerald Graff, he begins with the argument of â€Å"street-smarts†versus â€Å"school-smarts†. Graff explains that school-smarts can be hidden within street smarts and can be learnt through not just talking with friends, but also from the media and our surroundings, hence the â€Å"hidden†intellectualism. He goes onto explain that â€Å"schools and colleges overlook the intellectual potential of street-smarts†(198) because these types of intellectualism are actually considered anti-intellectualismRead MoreThe Cartoon Show Total Drama Island1535 Words  | 7 Pagesthat all fit players all teamed up and outsmarted the smart player by forming an alliance to pick them off one by one. Suddenly, the fit characters would control the game, therefore changing their fate in the game. In Gerald Graff’s essay â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,†I’ve interpreted that he believes if given the opportunity that street smarts indi viduals could become more successful than the academically smart kids. On the show, the street smart or more physical players are picked off by the majorityRead MoreHidden Intellectualism : Beyond The Books1551 Words  | 7 PagesSophia M. Huss Professor John S. Benson English 102-05 16 September 2016 â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†: Beyond the Books We have all been in the position where we have had the option between writing a dissertation on some academic subject, the Industrial Revolution for example, or the generally more favored option of watching football or reading about who Taylor Swift is dating now. Many would argue that while they would rather spend their time scrolling through social media and keeping up with the latestRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Hidden Intellectualism By Gerald Graff Essay1642 Words  | 7 PagesAbby Langdon English Comp 1 In the time surrounding the 1950s, intellectualism was hostilely viewed by most, and was a subject towards which division and ambivalence were pointed. Book-smarts and intellectualism were contrasts to regular life. The article â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†is written by a man named Gerald Graff, an English and Education professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago. In his article, Graff argues with a compelling case, that not only is intellectualism found in theRead MoreBook Review of Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street999 Words  | 4 Pages Book review: Ho, Karen. (2009). Liquidated: An ethnography of Wall Street. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009. In the wake of the recent financial crisis, many commentators attempted to analyze the roots of the conflict from a political or economic perspective. Anthropologist Karen Ho, a veteran of Wall Street as well as an academic, attempted to understand the reason that Wall Street behaves the way it does in her 2009 anthropological study of American finance entitled Liquidated: AnRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Blue Collar Brilliance `` By Gerald Graff1622 Words  | 7 Pageswish to have whether that be education, volunteering, or donating. Also, street smarts is not to be overlooked; a person with common sense can know more than a Doctor. Typically, a person can have either common sense or intelligence, not both. Street smarts is, without a doubt, a superior quality to possess as it encompasses more in life than just a degree does. For example, it is more appropriate to know how to cross a street properly in life than know how to perform a craniotomy. Furthermore, oneRead MoreAfrican America n Stereotypes. Paper1208 Words  | 5 Pageswear baggy pants, and have cornrows. Kool Aid , Chicken, and watermelon was also thought to be a specialty meal in their household. They were thought to live in the lower class neighbor hoods, have one parent, multiple siblings, be rather street smart versus book smart, involved in gangs. When a group of African American children were asked in a local Baltimore elementary school what they wanted to become when they grow up they had many common answers. Many boys wanted to be a professional basketballRead MoreHuck Finn Annotations Essay4161 Words  | 17 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain Chapter 1: -This book is written in a first person point of view -Huck is known from Toms story, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -Huck and Tom found 6000 dollars, which is a lot of money in this era -Miss Watson is very nice to have taken Huck in -There is a lot of racism in the book because of the time period it takes place in -It seems like Tom Sawyer is Hucks role model Chapter 2: -Takes place in a time of slavery -Jim keeps the sameRead MoreWhy Is Crime Is Everywhere2480 Words  | 10 Pagesand they see gang members and drug dealers more often than the rest of the population, so they know crime – if done right – can pay very well. You don’t need an education to be a criminal. So they hit the streets. RENTING VERSUS OWNING Someone may not immediately think that owning a home versus renting it would make any difference in a neighborhood’s crime rate, but apparently, it does actually have some sort of effect. Perhaps it is because if you own a home, you feel more rooted in that community;
Monday, December 9, 2019
Concept of Change free essay sample
Conceptually, the change process starts wit awareness of the need for change. An analysis of this situation and the factors that have created it leads to diagnosis of their constructive characteristics and an indication of the direction in which action needs to be taken. Possible courses of action can then be identified and evaluated and a choice made of the preferred action. It is necessary to decide how to get from here to there. Managing change during this transition state is a critical phase in the change process. It is here that the problems of introducing change emerge and have to be managed. These problems can conclude resistance to change, low stability, and high levels of stress, misdirected energy, conflict and loss of momentum. Hence the need to do everything possible to anticipate reactions and likely impediments to the introduction of change. The installation stage can also be painful. When planning change there is tendency for people to think that it will be an entirely logical and linear process of going from A to B. We will write a custom essay sample on Concept of Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is not like that at all. As described by Pettigrew and Whipp (1991), the implementation of changes is an ‘iterative, cumulative and reformulation in-use process’. To manage change, it is first necessary to understand the types of change and why people resist change. It is impossible to bear in mind that while those wanting change need to be constant about ends, they have to be flexible about means. This requires them to come to an understanding of the various models of change that have been developed. In the light of an understanding of these models they will be better equipped to make use of the guidelines for change set out at the end of this section. There are two main types of change; Strategic change is concerned with organisational information. It deals with broad, long-term and organisation-wide issues. It is about moving to a future state, which has been defined generally in terms of strategic vision and scope. It will cover the purpose and mission of the organisation, its corporate philosophy on such matters as growth, quality, innovation and values concerning people, the customer needs served and the technologies employed. This overall definition leads to specifications of competitive positioning and strategic goals for achieving and maintaining competitive advantage and for product-market development. These goals are supported by policies concerning marketing, sales manufacturing, product and process development, finance and human resource management. Strategic change takes place within the context of the external competitive, economic and social environment, and the organisation’s internal resources, capabilities, culture, structure and systems. Its successful implementation requires thorough analysis and understanding of these factors in the formulation and planning stages. The ultimate achievement of sustainable competitive advantage relies on the qualities defined by Pettigrew and Whipp (1991), namely ‘The capacity of the firm to identify and understand the competitive forces in play and how they change overtime, linked to the competence of the business to mobilize and manage the resources necessary for the chosen competitive response through time’. Strategic change, however, should not be treated simplistically as a linear process of getting fro A to B which can be planned and executed as a logical sequence of events. Pettigrew and Whipp (1991) issued the following warning based on their research into competitiveness and managing change in the motor, financial services, insurance and publishing industries. The process by which strategic changes are made seldom moves directly through neat, successive stages of analysis, choice and implementation. Changes in the firm’s environment persistently threaten the course and logic of strategic changes: dilemma abounds. We conclude that one of the defining features of the process, in so far as management action concerned is ambiguity; seldom is there an easily isolated logic to strategic change. Instead, that process may derive its motive force from an amalgam of economic, personal and political imperatives. Their introduction through time requires that those responsible for managing process make continual assessments, repeated choices and multiple adjustments. Operational change relates to new systems, procedures, structures or technology which have an immediate effect on working arrangements within a part of the organisation. But their impact on people can be more significant than broader strategic change and they have to be handled just as carefully. Armstrong m (2001)Human Resource management practice, Kogan Page Limited. London
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Product Managers Wanted! ThemeIsle Is Waiting for You!
TL;DR: We are looking to work with product managers on WordPress and SaaS apps; both on existing and new projects; details below.Ive always been scared of doing something that would turn out to be useless scared of wasting my time. In college, for instance, I was afraid to commit to any particular programming language out of fear that the choice might turn out to be wrong and that I wouldnt find a job X years later. Now, as an entrepreneur, I am still too scared of investing in new products if Im not 100% positive that its something people would use.This sort of attitude has its positive and negative outcomes. The positive one is that, in the process, I got really good at marketing. Before we launch anything, I am (nearly) completely sure that the marketing approach weve prepared will result in more than enough eyeballs and attention.The negative outcome is that I tend to hurry product development through and release a half-baked product too soon, which doesnt work in the long run.T here have been numerous cases where I abandoned a project due to what I thought was lack of potential, only to, later on, realize that other companies have managed to build strong brands implementing the exact same ideas.Luckily, I was able to surround myself with people who are way better at some things than I am. A team of editors that would never publish anything sub-par (even when I tell them to), developers who wont write a line of code thats below the standards, and product managers who wont release anything thats not a perfect match for the users.The thing is, if you are a perfectionist, a product person who just wants to build the most beautiful solution possible, then let me assure you that there is nothing wrong with that. Theres also nothing wrong with being the same kind of person, only on the marketing end of the spectrum being obsessed to make the product sell no matter what. This sort of product-marketing conflict is perhaps precisely whats needed to build a successf ul product.SoIf you love building products ideally have product management experience then do get in touch! At VertiStudio, we are looking to work with product managers on WordPress and SaaS apps; both on existing projects that we have and new ones.Contact us here. 👈Note: This is, indeed, a job listing, even though it might not look like one at first. Product managers wanted! ThemeIsle is waiting for you! #WordPress Click To Tweet
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